North wales Police

143 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: North Wales Police show themselves to be knobs & Gary is going to get a shock in the jungle

In today’s podcast which Matthew’s Dog and Catriona will enjoy I look at Alpha Growth (ALGW), Versarien (VRS), Horizonte Minerals (HZM), where the curse of O’Hara has hexed Gary Newman as he slumbers in the jungle, Canadian Overseas (COPL), the wretched failure of Sharon White at John Lewis and North Wales Police being such knobs. Why do I pay my taxes? 


292 days ago

It arrived last night: The sort of charming email I get from trolls almost every week of the year

Normally I do nothing other than delete such emails and try to forget about such unpleasant harassment but the one below which arrived last night is so vile that it is now with the North Wales Police. After a number of incidents in recent years the local fuzz understand that some of the crooks I expose or shareholders in frauds I expose react by trying to threaten me or just harass me.


716 days ago

Julie Meyer bashes the Queen, creates North Anglesey & abuses the Welsh, say she is infested with frogs (the French) - her most insane email yet: follow the ouzo

Still branding herself after the colour of her hair dye, the blonde, Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer is today again spamming her GPDR non-compliant mailing list trying to persuade folks to join her at her latest investment conference.  This email from the fugitive from a 6 month jail term here in the UK is her most insane yet. She insults the French, the Queen and invests a whole new island off Wales, North Anglesey. It is of course just Anglesey, or rather Yns Mon. Maybe she should visit the place as the North Wales Police are keen to have a word following her recent wasting of Police time.


1130 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 shockers from the housing market and that truly shocking Julie Meyer expose

The telephone call harassment started at 6.43 AM today and woke up three of us. I hope the North Wales police will act. The DOS attacks continue and last night also saw a stream of abusive hate-filled emails from temporary and thus untraceable accounts. What fun. Tomorrow is my second Woodlarks training walk so think of me in the Welsh rain as I target 12 miles or a shade more and please make a donation HERE. In today’s bearcast, I relay two shocking tales from the housing market and then discuss today’s shocking Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer expose.


1139 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - so could Neil Woodford take down Hargreaves Lansdowne after all?

I think last night saw more phone harassment but maybe it was just pocket calls. Anyhow, I have spent some time chatting to North Wales Police about comrade Seth Freedman and the Zoetic (ZOE) inspired menacing phone calls of last month. They are taking it seriously. In the podcast, I discuss this plus the news that Hargreaves (HL) may be sued over Neil Woodford and the myth that there is a short position in small and mid caps to be squeezed.


1154 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Remote Monitored Systems is 'avin' a Turkish, just go to companies house

Just a few housekeeping points. I have spent a happy 1/2 hour chatting to North Wales Police about harassment. The miscreant now finds two forces looking at him and a third may join soon as he has, I discover today, also harassed a couple in Dorset as they grieved the chap’s poor father.  Secondly, I’ve invested a five figure sum in a stock which will shock you. All is revealed on my latest video show out today.  Thirdly, my main energies remain on new family enquiries. Then there is a detailed look at Marchale (MAC), Chris Akers and its patently forced and misleading Trading statement. Finally onto Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) and digging into its new distributor. It is ‘avin’ a giraffe if it expects anyone to take this nonsense seriously.


1160 days ago

Can my wretched Tory MP in Wrexham, Sarah Atherton justify the Orwellian behaviour of the local Police?

I have already apologised for, in 2019, supporting Ms Atherton, a careerist lady who deserves unemployment in four years time. I have asked her on Twitter if she endorses what you can see below and natch’ she will not reply. Yet again we see Policemen (or in this case women) drunk on emergency Covid lockdown powers and behaving in a way we thought we would be never see in Britain. North Wales Police you are a disgrace.


1210 days ago

Photo Article: So Olaf thinks I am becoming a boring old man, my Birthday Present to myself, bought today

I risked an entanglement with Covid lockdown zealots of the North Wales Police today, crossing the bordcer into the land of the infidel, that is to say to visit Oswestry in England. My aim was to pick up a birthday present for myself. My teenage, for a few months more, daughter Olaf thinks I am becoming a boring old man as I should be celebrating the great day at an underground gay bar in Shoreditch like all her fellow Islingtonians. Whatever…


1212 days ago

Diolch to North Wales Police as it shows how it uses its time and your cash so effectively

I realise that the main job of North Wales Police right now, as snow falls across the region, is that vital task of preventing the spread of Covid by stopping folks from going sledging. As we all know, “the science” shows that this is almost as lethal in terms of spreading the plague as going for a Big Mac in Kettering. But there are other crucial tasks here in the land ruled by Mad Mark Drakeford.


1234 days ago

Photo Article: Breaking out of Wales for a substantial meal in a boozer and it is heartbreaking

Thanks to the certifiably insane First Minister here in Wales, Mr Mark Drakeford, boozers shut at 6 PM and can’t serve booze anyway. I can’t remember whether it is illegal to cross the border with England yet or whether the North Wales Police start arresting folks for this heinous crime on the 24th, 25th or 28th. Anyhow, we set off from the Welsh Hovel last night, four of us in the car, dashing the few hundred yards to the bridge to free England and what we found was heartbreaking.


1291 days ago

So who gets to attend my father’s funeral in this era of Covid lockdown?

There are six of us who called my father Dad and we have all been fairly reproductive. Thus with my father’s sister and his carer we are already at 24. And that number would have been higher had my wife not been almost due to produce a final grandchild and had my son not been too young to understand why so many are in tears. The Mrs and Joshua will not attend. Pro tem my father and the vicar do not count in the 30 who can attend, although I gather that the Welsh Government is considering changing the status of priests and corpses for services in this rain sodden Police state*.


1748 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Rule 1 of AIM, you cannot beat Professor Conroy

In today;s podcast I discuss how the Mrs has fallen victim to the fascists of the North Wales Police, Karelian Diamonds (KDR), ASOS (ASC), Eve Sleep (EVE) and Sosandar (SOS).
